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If buying or selling in Greenfield Village, please read this information sheet.

Place an Ad

1) Choose an Advertising Package
You can advertise your property for rent or sale by selecting one of the package options listed below. Clicking the "select" link will take you to the appropriate form.


2) Complete and Submit the Form
After being directed to the relevant form, fill it out entirely and submit it. If you're renting out a park model, make sure to review the recommended
cleaning and inventory checklist.

3) Make a Payment
Send your payment to either the Activities office or the Administration office, following the instructions provided below. The funds collected go towards maintaining the Greenfield Village Resort's website.

Note: Your advertisement will run from April 1st until the following April.

Anchor 1

Our Pricing

Payment Information

All payments must be in U.S. Funds, by personal check, money order or credit card. Cash is accepted for in-person payments.  All funds must go to the Activities or Administration office.

Option One (#1)

April - April next season 


(Includes these features)

25 words or less


Direct Link from:

No Slide Show or images


Unlimited Updates

Example Page

By clicking the above "Select" link, you will be directed to the proper form.

Option Two (#2)

(April - April next season)


Includes these features)

100 words or less

​Direct link from:

Visual Slide Show with up to 25 images

(You must provide the pictures)

Please EMAIL photos to:

(Please have in jpg, jpeg,or png format.)

Unlimited Updates

Example Page

By clicking the above "Select" link, you will be directed to the proper form.

Anchor 2

Congratulations! That is it! Nothing more for you to do. As soon as your ad is approved and payment is received, your ad will be on the Greenfield website.

(If you have questions or concerns, please call Tami Morgan @ 208.850.0924)

DISCLAIMER:  Greenfield Village RV Resort provides the Classified Section merely as a service to its members and residents who are solely responsible for preparing the advertisements and dealing with anyone responding to same. Greenfield Village RV Resort does not endorse any product or service advertised and accepts no responsibility, liability for the accuracy of any advertisement nor the condition or status of the property and is not a party, nor the agent of any party, to any transaction arising from any such advertisement.

Note: The Greenfield website is intended to provide general information about Greenfield Village, and not to promote personal business ventures regardless of the service or commodity they might provide. There is a service through the Activities office that will allow to promote these advertisings.

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